Sewing Tools and Stitches

Metal Snaps and Tips to Install Them Properly
I absolutely hate buttons. Well, to be truthful I don’t hate buttons. I love them, there is such a great variety. Also, did I mention that they are so INEXPENSIVE!...
Metal Snaps and Tips to Install Them Properly
I absolutely hate buttons. Well, to be truthful I don’t hate buttons. I love them, there is such a great variety. Also, did I mention that they are so INEXPENSIVE!...

Learn How to Gather Fabric Like a Boss
When I first discovered how to gather fabric, a whole world of sewing opportunities opened up to me. I quickly became obsessed with gathering skirts and making ruffles! Although gathering...
Learn How to Gather Fabric Like a Boss
When I first discovered how to gather fabric, a whole world of sewing opportunities opened up to me. I quickly became obsessed with gathering skirts and making ruffles! Although gathering...

This Topstitching Article Will Change the Way Y...
Topstitching is an essential part of sewing and is incorporated into nearly every project in one way or another. It’s important to take the time to get to know each...
This Topstitching Article Will Change the Way Y...
Topstitching is an essential part of sewing and is incorporated into nearly every project in one way or another. It’s important to take the time to get to know each...

What is a Rotary Cutter and How to Use One {wit...
What is a rotary cutter? Why can't I just use scissors for sewing projects? We'll break it down for you here!
What is a Rotary Cutter and How to Use One {wit...
What is a rotary cutter? Why can't I just use scissors for sewing projects? We'll break it down for you here!

Serger Tension Made Easy
Serger tension can be tricky for the beginner sewist. But with a little bit of clarity, you’ll know exactly how to turn those dials or knobs to achieve the perfect...
Serger Tension Made Easy
Serger tension can be tricky for the beginner sewist. But with a little bit of clarity, you’ll know exactly how to turn those dials or knobs to achieve the perfect...

What is a Basting Stitch and How to Sew One
Of all the fancy stitches that sewing machines come with nowadays, there’s one that sets the stage for all the rest and that’s the lowly basting stitch. Basting is absolutely...
What is a Basting Stitch and How to Sew One
Of all the fancy stitches that sewing machines come with nowadays, there’s one that sets the stage for all the rest and that’s the lowly basting stitch. Basting is absolutely...